These 7 Landing Page Examples Will Get You More Subscribers

Written by Michael Cheney. Posted on 26th January 2021

Landing Page ExamplesYou want proven-to-convert, landing page examples?

Well hold onto your underpants because;

Since the year 2000, I've built countless landing pages that have built me 100,000s of subscribers.

In this free training I'm going to share with you some of the best performing landing pages, I've ever created.

You can of course go off and learn all this ourself in the trenches.

But I've collated it all here together for you, so you can benefit from my success and my mistakes.

Okay, let's do this...

Step 1. Hook Them with The Headline

David Ogilvy said it best;

"On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar."

The headline has the biggest impact impact on your landing page.

If you get the headline wrong - people won't even read on (and you've lost your chance to get a subscriber).

In fact, according to Copyblogger, 8 out of 10 people will read headline copy but only 2 out of 10 people will continue to read the rest.

There are many ways you can get people excited using a headline.

Buzzsumo did a survey of millions of headlines on the internet and measured how much they were engaged with on Facebook;

Best Headline Phrases

[Image source]

As you can see, there are certain phrases which do better than others.

This doesn't necessarily mean you should use these exact headlines on your landing page because...

The way people share information on Facebook, and how they engage with a landing page, is different.

You also need to harness the power of headlines when writing the best email subject lines too.

But these examples show you the wide difference between a good headline and a bad headline.

The best headlines make some kind of promise.

The "how-to" statement is a powerful way to do this.

Take a look at some of these landing page examples to see some of the headlines I've used in my successful campaigns;

Landing Page Example

A simple "how to" headline using promise and curiosity

Here's another example of a landing page headline.

This one really tapped into people desire to "fill in the gaps" and get the answer...

Landing Page Headline

Use specific numbers and mystery to create intrigue with your headlines

The great thing about headlines, is they're an easy thing to test.

I build my lead landing pages using LeadPages.Ā 

It creates clean, professional and high-converting landing pages and it also includes a simple split-tester;

Split Testing on LeadPages

You can change your headline and;

Run it against the variation.

This enables you to find the best-performing headline, fast.

Before you create a landing page, you should brainstorm multiple headlines.

Then test them live on your target audience, using split testing.

Okay, let's move onto;

Step 2. Adopt the "Less is More" Approach (with Landing Page Examples)

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that the more benefits and features you can list on your landing page, the better.

I'll hold my hands up;

I admit I've made the same mistake;

Less is More

In fact -

There are some landing page examples which I show you right here in this training, which are a little bit overcrowded.

The only reason I'm including them here as an example, is because they worked.


These are the exception, not the rule.

"The cleaner and easier your landing pages are, the more subscribers you will get."

Now yes;

There are certain emotional triggers you need to hit on and certain benefits you must list on your landing page.

But don't get too bogged down in details.

Some of the best-performing landing pages I've created had very little content on them.

Take this one;

High-Converting Landing Page Example

This was a simple landing page, offering details of a new opportunity.

It makes a big play on curiosity.

Very little is revealed on the landing page.

There are no bullets.

No images, and no real explanation.

But that's part of the reason for its success - people love to find out the solution to a mystery.

This simple landing page got an 86% opt in rate.

Let's take a look at another one, this landing page was used along with a space-themed promotion;

Simple Landing Page Example

I posted a simple video on YouTube, with a space theme (linking interstellar travel with getting website traffic).

The landing page was connected to this theme as you can see with the starfield background.

But there was very little other information on there.

A simple promise, and a big green button to unlock that promise.

"Don't over-complicate things - make a promise and show them how to get it."

Here's another example.

This was a live call I did with my good friend Richard Legg;

Clean Landing Page

As you can see, the design is very simple.

There's a picture of Richard and I to build the connection in the prospect's mind between the two of us.

There's a big promise in the simple headline, and also a sense of scarcity related to the fact this call is not going to be recorded.

Again, very simple page, which performed very well indeed.

Here's the next step for you...

Step 3. Use Fascination Bullets

Bullet PointsFascination bullets are a type of bullet points which create a big sense of curiosity in the mind of the reader.

They simply have to know what you're talking about in the specific bullet point.

You create this white hot desire for them to get the answer.

Bullet points are normally used on sales letters.

In fact, over the course of my 20 year internet marketing career, I've probably written many 1000s of bullet points.

"I've had people come up to me at marketing events and say they've bought my products specifically because of an individual bullet point they saw on a sales letter!"

This shows you how powerful bullets can be.

You want to keep your landing page simple, and to the point - using bullet points can help you summarise key benefits.

As you can see in this example, the bullet point points used here, tapped into people's desire to generate revenue online;

Landing Page Using Bullets

This works.

The landing page example above (about memes) got a 58% opt in rate.

The bullet points above also reference a secret formula, and a mysterious method which creates even more curiosity.

Your bullet points need to focus on WHAT people can achieve, but not HOW they can achieve it.

Focus on the result they can get, not the method they will employ to get there.

This way, you raise a question in the mind of the prospect.

"Prospects get hyper-curious and will subscribe to get their hands on the answer to your bullet points."

Here's one of the landing page examples for this - we created this one for a client in the engineering niche;

Using Bullet Points

These bullet points specifically tapped into a sense of fear in the prospect.

They suggest potentially negative outcomes.

They infer that if the prospect doesn't get the information on the other side of the landing page, bad things may happen.

Bullet points make the prospect desperate to get their hands on the information.

This increases the opt in rate.

You also need to...

Step 4. Deploy The Little-Known "Two-Step, Teaser Method"

This is a simple method you can apply to quickly increase your opt-in rate.

In a classical, less-effective, one-step opt in, there is usually a box for the prospect to enter their name and email address, right on the page, like this;

Single Step Optin Form

Don't get me wrong.

This CAN be effective.

And like all the strategies I recommend you should test this for yourself.


From my 20 years of experience, going to a simpler, two-step approach, improves opt in rates.

"The two-step approach simply uses a button, which people click on to launch a pop-up where they enter their email address."

This is all about getting people to take micro commitments.

Leadpages Landing Page SoftwareIf you present people with a large form where they have to enter their first name, their last name, their email address, their date of birth and blood group and so on you will put them off from taking action.

But if you just present them with a simple button like;

"Click Here to Get the Free Thing"

Then it's easy for people to take that first step.

Not everybody will then enter their email address, of course.

But you will, based on my results, get more people opting in over all.

If you're not sure how to do this, I recommend you use LeadPages like I do.

They have bunches of landing page examples you can copy and start with too and it's wayyyy better than paying out for an email marketing agency.

They have a simple landing page builder, which you can use to create effective pages, just like all the ones you've seen on this page.

Okay, it's time for us to move onto...


Step 5. Crush All Objections

The moment somebody visits your landing page, they will have questions...

  • Can I trust you?
  • Is this something I can get somewhere else?
  • Is this new and current?
  • Why should I subscribe?
  • Will this help me get what I want?
  • Have other people gone ahead and done this?

You need to try and crush all these objections on your landing page.

Here's an example;

Coaching Landing Page

This landing page may seem seem a little bit busy and crowded.

This is because it was created for cold traffic.

The people landing on this page had never heard of us before.

They didn't know anything about our business;

"If you are driving cold traffic you will have to tackle lots of objections in order to get people to subscribe."

We were helping coaches generate more sales.

Of course, we didn't want to reveal exactly HOW - because we wanted to use curiosity.

This increases opt in rates.

However, we knew that people had the objection of thinking it might involve cold calling or networking.

Michael Cheney on NBC TVSo we crushed this objection in the headline.

The objection of credibility on whether or not they could trust us was tackled by including a picture of me on NBC television and stating the fact I'm a best-selling author.

We also included powerful testimonials and results from other clients.

All of these items together, helped crush a lot of the objections.

This way, prospects felt more confident to enter their email address, and subscribe.

You also need to make sure that you...

Step 6. Create Consistent Calls to Action

Make sure you use the same phrase in your headline, on your button, and in your pop-up.

The headline will draw people in, so you need to tap into that, in your button.

The wording in the button will then get people to click;

Use Consistent Calls to Action

So when the pop up launches, you need to repeat an element of that.

This way there is a sense of consistency.

You don't want to say "get access" in the headline, then "download now" on the button, and then "subscribe" in the pop-up - it will put people off.

Okay let's tackle the last step which is...

Step 7. Use These Thank You Page Secrets

Thank You PageIf you're using your landing page to build a list, there's only one thing you should do with your thank you page;

Get people to check their email.

Don't waste this opportunity.

Don't give them a generic message saying "thanks for subscribing".

And don't try to smack them over the head with an offer;

This is your opportunity to make sure they go to their inbox right away, and get the free information they requested.

A prospect starts going cold the moment after they've opted in.

"If a prospect doesn't go straight to their inbox and get your email, the moment after they subscribe, they will probably never open ANY of your emails."

Did you know?

Over 20% of marketing emails never even make it to a subscriberā€™s inbox!

There are two ways you make sure people open your emails and get engaged right from the start.

The first way is for a more internet-savvy audience.

I've been running internet B2B businesses for 20 years.

Prospects in these niches know how to deal with their emails.

For them, I use a thank you page like this;

Simple Thank You Page Example

Notice how it gets straight to the point, with no nonsense?

It tells them what to do, where to go, who sent the email, and even has links to the most popular email clients so they are just one click away from their inbox.

If you're building an email list, and creating landing pages for an audience that is not very tech savvy, you may might want to use a thank you page more like this one;

Step by Step Thank You Page Example

This thank you page example goes into far greater detail about how to whitelist an email.

It has screenshots showing people how to get your email out of their promotions tab and simple steps they can take to make sure it's not in their spam folder.

You will need to tailor your thank you page approach, depending on your target audience.

You need to get them to go to their email inbox seconds after they have opted in.

"Get them into the habit of reading your emails instantly."

Let's move onto the...


You've now learned some of the mostĀ powerful landing page secretsĀ that I've learned over the pastĀ 20 years.

Hopefully, you've got some ideas from some of theĀ landing page examplesĀ I've given you.

You can now startĀ improving your opt-in rateĀ andĀ getting more subscribersĀ onto your email list.

If you've enjoyed thisĀ free training you will really love this free training video I have for you;


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